Coaching and Training Solutions for Companies


Tall aspen trees, blue sky in background

Services for Companies Q & A

  • What can I expect when working together?

    When working together, we will begin with a conversation to understand your challenges and goals. Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, we will develop a proposal outlining various systemic solutions for your organization. After ensuring you are comfortable and confident with the proposed plan of action, we will execute the plan, maintaining clarity and communication throughout each step.

  • Do you offer virtual trainings?

    Yes! While in-person trainings are extremely beneficial, they are not always practical. Many corporations, executive teams, and employees are spread across the country, making in-person trainings challenging. I welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific needs and our capability to facilitate virtual training for your company.

  • How do you individualize training and team building events?

    Each training and team-building event is tailored to meet your company’s unique goals. I work diligently to understand your challenges and goals, ensuring services are customized for your needs. Whether you’re interested in a half-day training or team-building retreat, or if your team requires support navigating significant leadership changes, I am here to provide assistance.

  • What type of trainings do you offer?

    Each training and team building activity we offer is tailored to meet the unique needs we hear from our clients. However, common themes our clients ask us to address include organizational alignment, workplace expectations, emotional intelligence, collaboration skills, business communication, performance management and value-based leadership.

  • Are trainings still valuable for companies not in crisis?

    According to research, companies that offer team training and team building exercises, experience improved employee relationships, more engaged and collaborative employees, increased productivity, and improved culture.
    Our clients and their employees have reported that offering training and team building exercises when things are going well has had a strong and positive impact on the perceived investment employees say the company and leaders have toward them personally and professionally.

Woman in business meeting making a point
Man sitting, listening to corporate presentation.
Gathering of staff for impromptu team building

Helping Companies Thrive

Corporate Excellence: Trainings & Public Speaking 

Investing in corporate training underscores your commitment to your company’s values, your team, and your culture. Customized to address the specific needs of your organization, whether it’s proactive training on values-based leadership, effective communication, or support through a leadership transition or culture reset, I work to understand your needs and empower your team with a common framework and skill set to approach each other and the challenging situations that arise. 

Team Synergy Retreats

For businesses seeking engaged teams that collaborate at a high level, communicate effectively, and contribute to a positive work culture, Team Synergy Retreats are the key. Creating this type of culture requires intention and carefully curated experiences. These retreats are designed to help establish a robust culture of trust, effective communication, and collaboration – all while having fun! Tailored from half-day workshops to multi-day experiences, learn more about how Team Synergy Retreats can elevate your team’s dynamic.